All of the weapon info taken out of the several .pk3 files in Call of Duty\Main.
There are duplicates of weapon files, due to weapon changes with patches.
For example, several weapons had their Reload Add Time altered... But few weapons benefit from Add Time compared to those in COD4.
The method of balance between weapons is... unusual in COD1.
In fact, there isn't a balance; the Thompson outclasses most other automatic weapons and the PPSh utterly crushes them.
The german weapons are all weaker than the allied force they're up against.
The only weapons that are on even ground are the bolt action rifles.
There's also the fact that, due to the non-zeroed sights and bad spread even when aiming, the "skill" in aiming for more vital bodyparts (or aiming at all) does not exist.
With the exception of the Scoped Rifles, aiming for the center of mass and hoping for the best beyond point blank range is all you can do.
There is a single hit location multiplier applied to all weapons.
Weapons only have one maximum spread for all three stances.
The programming for weapons in COD1 is exactly the same for COD4, but COD1 lacks a lot of variables that were added in COD2 and COD4. It is still the same engine.
In the same way that the attachments for COD4 are actually different "weapons" in the game, weapons in COD1 with fire selectors are in fact two seperate "weapons", each with a different fire rate/mode.
There are two weapon rows with asterisks ***; those guns have notable discrepancies.
I'll stick them in after the chart.
And of course, players have 100 points of health.
Note: The numbers on this chart are NOT the same for United Offensive.

The PPSh's accuracy in both aiming and firing from the hip are different with fire modes.
The spread values for the Automatic PPSh are (smaller is more accurate, dummy!):
And the spread for the semi-sutomatic PPSh:
Going prone with the PPSh in Semi-Auto and firing from the hip is more accurate than aiming down the sights.
And crouching is exactly the same in accuracy. Crouching in full-auto is less accurate from the hip than standing.
Again, another weapon more accurate from the hip, both firemodes are the same in this.
The PPSh accuracy is a chump compared to this. The BAR, when prone, is literally twice as accurate from the hip than aiming down the sights.
Prone = 0.15, Sights = 0.3
United Offensive changed a bunch of the existing weapons.
For example, the BAR is almost as accurate from the hip STANDING than aiming down the sights in UO, having its ADS Spread increased to 1.
Most of the automatic weapons are far less accurate down the sights than what they used to be in COD1.
Some are completely unreliable, LMGs having accuracy only slightly better than the SMGs.
And this is in a situation where the maps have become significantly larger to accommodate vehicles.
The bolt action rifles were the only accurate weapons in the game and the greater distance makes even them victim to arbitrary misses.
There is no reason to use the regular Sten; the silenced one is identical, but more accurate.
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