Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Battlefield Heroes

Battlefield Heroes chart?

I wanted to have something that wasn't Call of Duty, something I could get the jump on.
(though "the jump" probably would have been when I got into the beta several months ago)
Since Heroes is free (not including buying fake clothes), anybody with a PC made after 200X can download and play.

NOTE: All numbers are direct from the game's files.
The only way any of these numbers are incorrect is if I made a typo or if the numbers have changed.

UPDATE: The "stylish" weapons are identical to the weapon that shares the same menu image.
For example, the Stylish Shotgun is the same as the Very Fast shotgun. No statistical advantages, only image.
MOST RECENT UPDATE: So far, every new weapon that has been added to the arsenal has been statistically similar to existing weapons.
For example the Bad Company 2 LMGs are identical to the Long Range MG
The BC2 SMGs to the Short&Fast SMG. The BC2 sniper rifles to the Slow&Heavy Rifle.
The Medal of Honor LMG to the Uber/Super Short&Fast MG. So on and so forth.
If the rate of fire and/or ammo capacity matches up, it is probably emulating that original weapon.

ANOTHER UPDATE: The new "Uber Super" weapons are, once again, identical to another existing weapon in almost every way. The differences are:

Ammo capacity for some weapons, that's obvious in-game, don't need to tell you that.

SMG Critical Chance has increased to 4%
Pistol Critical chance has increased to 13%
Shotgun Critical Chance has increased to 7%
MG Critical Chance has increased to 7%

Sniper Rifle Mid Range has become 20m and Long Range has become 30m.
Knife range has increased to approximately 1.5x the original's distance and delivers 30-37 damage.

Rocket Launcher has a 30% chance of dealing an extra 10 damage to enemies in the blast radius.
OH LOOK MORE UPDATES: Punk Heroes weapons are unique from all the Uber, BC2 and MOH weapons being mostly copies of existing guns.
Punk Heroes' SMG, Shotgun and Grenade Launcher added to the bottom of the image.

Every bullet is an object that travels, so shots have to be lead on distant targets.
Sniper Rifles have a high velocity, you barely need to lead at all with them.
Machineguns have about half or less the velocity of rifles.
Pistols and shotguns have one fourth the velocity of rifles.


Each gun type has three versions:
1) "Fast&Light" short range gun with a high fire rate and big spread
2) "Default" average gun that doesn't excel at anything
3) "Slow&Heavy" Long range gun with good accuracy and a slow... everything

The ideal equipment would usually be to pair a Short gun with a Long gun.
The guns need to be rented with Victory Points, earned by playing the game.
Though lots of guns are outclassed by others of its type.
For example, the Fast SMG pretty much dominates the SMG class.
The Default MG is superior in any range against the Fast MG.


For Damage, BFH uses a lot of numbers.
BFH guns have a min-max damage range for three seperate distances.

The damage for each shot is random, though the possible min-max for most of them are small enough that the number of shots needed to take out each enemy class will not vary that much.

There is also a chance for each weapon to score a Critical Hit for specific damage addition.

The rocket launcher is anti-vehicle, it has low blast damage. Its power lies in a direct hit.
Frags and TNT do a set amount of damage, damage decreases the further from the center of the blast.

The "range" areas are quite small.
Two values determine where Medium begins and where Long begins, Close starting at zero, of course.


Reloading consists of unimportant slapping and clacking for a few seconds.
The weapons in Battlefield Heroes are capable of being reloaded even when wielding another weapon during the reload.
Some call it "cold reload", I'm gonna go by its code, "Reload Without Player".


The Rate of Fire in BFH is set as rounds per minute.
No need to divide 60 by the time between shots.


Deviation (ie "spread") is presumably measured in degrees from the center of the crosshair.
While other Battlefield games make use of the many deviation variables, only a single number exists for Heroes.
A static number making a little cone of fire.


No weapon in Battlefield Heroes has Recoil except for the Sniper Rifle.
All three of them kick up and to the right.
The default rifle happens to kick the least.
The fast rifle has a bit more more oomph with each shot.
The long rifle will have you looking at the sky.


No need to list the Abilities;
Their in-game descriptions tell you everything you'd need to know.

Actually, some of them could use some clarity.
For example, Frenzy Fire.
It only subtracts 0.1 Spread per level on the MG.
At level 5, any LMG only rivals the Fast SMG in accuracy.

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